The Millenium Bug Race

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Play Addition Game The millennium Bug Race.

This is a game for 2 Players where both Players type their names and then set the Lowest and the Highest number to be used for the game.addendum.There is a.

You have to add 2 numbers together. Player one may press Z and Player two may press M.

Type the answer and then press the Z or M key it will be written on the screen to identify who is turning.

Millennium Bug Race is an interactive math game designed to improve addition skills for children. The player controls a ladybug In the game which is racing against a millennium bug. To compete the player must correctly answer the addition problems. Each level is a different difficulty level and The player must complete each level before moving on to The next level. The game has also a timer for adding pressure to The gameplay. Its goal is to reach The finish line before The millennium bug by answering as many addition problems as possible. It’s fun but also helps kids develop their addition skills in a fun and interactive way.

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