Privacy Policy and Disclosure

We are committed to protecting our users’ privacy, and our policy is all about how we will treat the users’ information.

Information that we collect

We collect information about your visits to our blog that includes your location, browser type, Operating System, duration of your visit, what system you use, what pages you visit on our blog, etc.

We collect your email address when you subscribe to our newsletter, but don’t share it with any other company or help them to send promotional emails. We can use your email to send you updates about our blogs and any offers we provide.

Cookies are stored by the browser and every time you request a page that is retrieved from the server. We use cookies to enable our blog to identify when you visit. There are two types of it: Session cookies and persistent Cookies. Persistent cookies stay in your browser until you delete them or they expire. However, Session cookies expire once you close the browser. Cookies are also used to serve interest-based ads. You can learn more here:

We analyze our website via Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools from Google and Bing. Google generates information from users’ cookies that are stored in their browsers. Thereafter, Google generates the full report or statics of the website. Browsers also allow you to disable the cookies you can do anytime you want, but this impact the usability of many websites including ours. Want to know more about it? Visit:

Your Age, Location, sex, search term, etc. can also be used to show relevant ads. The ad company can track your visit to our website to show you relevant ads.

We don’t collect your email, contact number, age, or date of birth as long as you don’t provide it or fill it out on this website or within an advertisement on this website. You can continue to use it without providing any detail in writing.

Third-Party Content and Link

Our blog may contain links to third-party websites, and we are not responsible for their privacy policy and content.

We used third-party resources, e.g. Google Fonts, Font Awesome, embedded games and other content, ad advertisement, etc.

What Happens If you continue to use?

If you continue to use the website we will assume that you agree to everything written on this page.

Copyright Issues

All the articles published on this blog are unique and we hold the copyright. Copying the content from our blog and publishing somewhere else will be dealt with strictly. We do provide the source if we get the hint or idea from any other websites/blog to write any article.

Any image or game published on this blog may or may not have a copyright. We don’t intend to breach the copyright, but if you feel that you hold the copyright of any image. Please email us at [email protected]and the image/picture will be removed if we find so.