Finding Probability

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A little About Probability Activity.

What probability is it? So you shouldn’t worry if you don’t. Cette activity is designed to help you understand probability.

Let us learn different types of probability and the calculation method.

Probability is a measure of the Probability that an event will occur expressed as a number between 0 and 1. Probability for an event is determined by number of favorable outcomes divided by total number of possible outcomes.

Two types of probability exist: experimental probability theoretical probability and theoretical probability. Probability Theoretical is based on mathematical principles and assumes that all outcomes are equally likely. The probability of rolling a six on a fair die is 1/6 since there is only one favorable outcome out of six possible outcomes. On the other hand Experimental probability based on actual data involves performing an experiment or observing a real-life situation to determine the probability of an event.

The Probability of a given event can be expressed as a fraction decimal or percentage. 0 means that an event is impossible while 1 means that an event is certain to occur. If The probability of The event is closer to 1 The more likely it is that The event will occur. In many areas of life Probability is used including business sports and gambling to make informed decisions based on the likelihood of certain outcomes.

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